Your Dreams vs. Your Money...who will win!? Dun dun dun!
In this lesson you will: Write down your dreams in Your $ Guide, so they become the foundation of your finances.
In the red corner, we have your money...weighing negative many thousands of dollars, and keeping you up at night.
In the blue corner, we have your dreams...weighing many shackled chains and lame excuses, and keeping you day dreaming while you're at work.
It's the age old rematch between you and yourself.
Let's get ready to ruuummmbbblleee!!!
Stop the show - turn up the lights, let's get real now.
This fantasy is FALSE. You don't have to choose between your dreams and your money (especially not your debt). Life is a bunch of little tiny moments all squished together. Sometimes those moments are filled with unbearable sadness and regret, and sometimes they're as euphoric as the universe itself. Those are the things of life, dreams. Not money.
Money is a means to a moment, an opportunity that you can exchange for something else. Anytime you see or say the word "money" you can basically replace it with "opportunity"
"Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to become the means by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of other men. Blood, whips and guns--or dollars. Take your choice--there is no other." -Ayn Rand
I know, that Ayn Rand quote was a little heavy. But I get really passionate about this stuff. Anyway...
Your dreams are the foundation of your financial future. They're important because your life is important, so we're taking time now to put them first. Now start getting your $h*t together so you can get on with living your life!
Next Steps
Remember, this is your guide, your life, your money. No one is judging you or looking at you. Have the courage now to be honest with yourself. You'll get the most out of this only if you're honest with yourself. This is the time to clean out your closet. After all, it's part of why you're in this course.
In your $ Guide:
1. (5-10mins) Woot woot! Add Pictures!: On the "Woot woot!" tab, add pictures to represent your biggest, most audacious, and most exciting dreams. Do you want to start a business? Pursue a creative passion? Take a round the world trip? Buy a house? Support your family? Whether they're money related or not, add pictures that remind you what you're working towards and excite you.
- Click on the "Woot Woot!" tab > click anywhere in the blue area > from the menu Select Insert > select a pictures you want to add and upload it. You can move images by holding them down and dragging, a resize by clicking on them and stretching the blue line around them. Try adding at least 3 pictures.
- You can delete the image of the water. This is your $ Guide now!
2. (5-10mins) Write and reflect: On the "1. Dreams" tab, write down:
- 3 dreams you've accomplished; something you're proud of having done and will always look back on and say, "Damn, I'm so glad I did that."
- 3 dreams you're currently working on. What are you working towards now? What do you spend your time doing? If you're not working towards any, well, first of all, I don't believe you, because just being in this class is one -- you're working on getting your finances in order so you don't have to worry about them. So definitely be proud of yourself for that!
- 3 dreams you hope to accomplish. What are you excited about? No matter how big, write them down. After all, dreams are suppose to be big! You got this! Keep going!
Tip: You can try framing your dreams as one of each of these: professional dream (like winning an Oscar), internal personal dream (getting a black belt in karate), and external dream for others (like taking your mom to Hawai'i someday).
Bonus Challenge Steps!
- List 100 dreams!
- Read 1,000 year life